“Disneyland is not just another amusement park. It’s unique, and I want it kept that way. Besides, you don’t work for a dollar–you work to create and have fun.” ~ Walt Disney
The difference Walt saw in themed entertainment can be the difference in your life. You are not “just another person.” You are unique, created by God for His purposes. Once you understand that purpose and structure your life around it, then you’re no longer working for a dollar. You’re working—and living—for much more.
Mission: “To connect people to the truth of who God is, who they are in Him, and to significant, meaningful ideas and experiences, opening doors of understanding and windows of opportunity through writing, speaking, and coaching, to enable people to live as God lovingly designed them to be.” ~ Randy Crane
The philosophy of Leaving Conformity Coaching is based on this premise: We move forward most effectively in our lives when we face the lies about ourselves, our value, and success that we have been fed over our lifetime head on and replace them with truth—about God, about you, and about how He made you. From these new foundational truths, we work together to help you move from where you’ve been and into a clearer understanding of your calling and how to apply it.
Every person has a God-given “calling” that remains the same throughout their lifetime. Many things change—jobs, careers, relationships, finances, circumstances—but the “blueprint” a person is born with stays the same. This is always the template to return to when rediscovering your life. The one thing we can always count on is change! What seems like an end is often also a new beginning, and beginnings are always hopeful, with opportunities to become more connected to God, more in tune with the calling He has given you, and more authentic in how you live it out. If you’re faced with needing to make a change, Leaving Conformity Coaching can help. If you are successful, but not sure that what you’re doing is really meaningful or what God made you to do, or that it’s not really serving Him like you think you should, and you want to move from “good” to “exceptional”, I can help with that, too!
What is Calling?
In his book 48 Days to the Work You Love, Dan Miller says, “A calling is something you have to listen for, attuning yourself to the message. Vocation then is not so much pursuing a goal as it is listening for a voice. Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen for that voice telling me who I am. Vocation does not come from willfulness but from listening… When we have ‘heard’ clearly, we can then fulfill our calling by being excellent at whatever God created us to be.”
“Money is ultimately never enough compensation for unhappily investing one’s time and energy. There must be a sense of purpose, meaning, and accomplishment.” ~ Dan Miller
“The work of our hands and of our minds is acted out prayer, a love offering to the living God.” ~ Richard Foster
“My own concept of prayer is not as a plea for special favors nor as a quick palliation for wrongs knowingly committed. A prayer, it seems to me, implies a promise as well as a request; at the highest level, prayer not only is a supplication for strength and guidance, but also becomes an affirmation of life and thus a reverent praise of God.” ~ Walt Disney
In other words, as you learn to understand and live out your calling, your life becomes a lived-out prayer, an offering of worship to God and of service to other people. To use the Apostle Paul’s words, you become “a sacrifice—living, sanctified, acceptable to God—your intelligent service.” (Romans 12:1b, YLT)
This isn’t a selfish, or even self-centered process. It’s not about physical health and financial wealth–because God promises us neither. But the world will be short-changed if we get side-tracked and never really live out our true calling, the benefit of the qualities of life God has given you for you to uniquely offer will be lost, and you won’t be able to be the best possible steward of all that God has entrusted to you. That’s a tragedy. But it’s also not easy—especially if we try to do it alone. We all need other people to encourage, guide and instruct us along the way, helping us to think creatively and act decisively. That’s where coaching comes in.
“Sanctified ignorance is the belief that if we love God and have committed our lives to Him, everything will work out…Sanctified ignorance is no excuse for a life out of alignment, lacking joy, fulfillment, and a clear sense of accomplishment…Look at how God has uniquely gifted you in your skills and abilities, personality traits, and values, dreams and passions. It is in these that we find the authentic path designed for us for a purpose-driven life.” ~ Dan Miller, from 48 Days to the Work You Love
Ready to find out more about what we can do together? Go to the Coaching page!