Ears for Isaac
Often when I’ve had the opportunity to share guest posts on this blog, it’s been to allow someone to share a thought or principle that you can apply to your life to make it better, more God-honoring, or even more “successful”. With today’s post, I again have the privilege to do so, this time by inviting you into someone’s story so you can be a participant in it, and a conduit of His grace. Because of my heart for children, and my own history as an infant, this resonates deeply with me, and I could do no less than to bring this to you as well.
Isaac Robbins’ parents, Aaron and Teresa, have a story to tell that is both heartbreaking and encouraging. If you listen to Stories of the Magic, you heard about this in the most recent episode. Regardless, you will read an introduction to that story below, written by Aaron. Once you have, I hope you will click through to the Ears for Isaac page to learn more, and to help them complete the documentary. Even if you’re not sure you can help, please visit the page, watch the video, and then decide. They only have 17 days left (as of the date of this post) to finish their fundraising effort, and your support–financially, by spreading the word, and/or by holding them up in your prayers–would mean more to them, and to me, than you may ever realize.
Tomorrow will mark the 4-month anniversary of my son’s death. For my wife and me, the day following will mark the point that our baby boy, Isaac, has been gone longer than he was here. We miss Isaac terribly. We carry on without him in peace mixed with pain and heartache mixed with hope. Although he is gone, we are still his parents and just like all parents, we are compelled to tell stories about our kids.
Isaac had a broken heart. He had a lot of broken stuff, but his heart was by far the worst. His mom and I found out at a routine 20-week ultrasound that something was wrong. The news shocked our family. We spent the next two weeks driving around California seeing highly trained specialists at several different hospitals. Even now, as I type these words, I can’t believe our family lived through those weeks. It seemed no one knew exactly what was wrong with our son. Every doctor we spoke to did and said the same thing. Each one sketched out what they thought Isaac’s heart looked like while at the same time informing us they’d never seen a heart that defective before, and we’d have to go see someone else.
We ended up in San Francisco with an absolutely fantastic fetal cardiologist. She was simply amazing, not because she gave us a good diagnosis, but because she was so sure of the bad one she delivered. Isaac had a complex and complicated case of hetrotaxy. In short, his organs were arranged differently. Unfortunately, his different arrangement was not compatible with long-term survival. We were told he would likely live for seconds. We were told at most we were looking at a few days. In very extreme cases and rare cases, he could possibly have a few weeks. Isaac lived for 16 weeks. He blessed our family in a way that it is my privilege to be unable to describe. He was the finest son a dad could ask for.
Over the next several months we will be embarking on the journey to tell the story of Isaac Robbins. A close friend of mine is a videographer and documentary filmmaker. Our two families decided to document Isaac’s story in a film called “Ears for Isaac”. It’s a film for when happy places become hard to find, for people who are faced with impossible decisions and for families who will never be whole this side of heaven. It’s a tough story to tell, but within the heaviness and heartache is a message of hope. There is light in the darkness, there is peace even when there are no answers and there is love even through great loss.
More about “Ears for Isaac”
“Ears for Isaac” is a documentary film currently in pre-production and set to begin filing at the end of March 2013. It is intended to bring hope and encouragement to any family who has lost a child or is preparing to do so through hospice. While “Ears for Isaac” is a film, we are also setting up the EarsForIsaac.com website/foundation for families who have lost a child under the age of two due to genetic or non-genetic birth defects. Through the website, it is our goal to help others share and remember their child’s story.
We need support in order to make this movie and launch the website. Support can come financially or by just spreading the word to a family in need.
Randy Crane is passionate about helping Christians, especially those with a Disney affinity, to discover and connect to their GOD-GIVEN PURPOSE AND VALUE, to build their lives to achieve TRUE SUCCESS AND MEANING, and to POSITIVELY IMPACT their world. For more than two decades, Randy has been leading individuals and teams into a greater joy and child-like appreciation of the world around them, equipping them to reach beyond what they have previously experienced and build a God-given identity and purpose. Ready to experience that for yourself? Tell us where to send SIX free videos all created to help answer the 3 questions you need to experience PEACE, FREEDOM, and PURPOSE!