Faith and the Magic Kingdom, the Book – Look How Far We’ve Come!
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time or you follow me on Facebook, you know that Faith and the Magic Kingdom has been in the works for a long time now. 3 years, actually, with the concept and desire to write it on my heart before that.
Well, things are now moving along so quickly—at least it seems quick to me—toward that goal being realized that I wanted to share an update with you.
1. The manuscript is done! I’ve been writing for three years, and of all that I’ve written, 113 entries made it into the book. Once all is said and done, it’ll probably be about 375 pages or so.
2. Joe Aguirre is my editor and he’s been working on it for about 2 weeks now. He has made several suggestions that have significantly improved the style, quality, and on some places even content of the book. Our target is to have the editing done by the end of August.
3. The book cover is proving to be a challenge. At the top of this post are two possible designs so far. I have a new designer, Jen, who will be reworking the second one. It’s difficult, though, because I’m trying to make sure I end up with a cover that is striking enough to get people’s attention and make them want to pick it up (or click on it, if they’re on Amazon) and learn more about it. Hopefully this will be done in a couple of weeks, but we’ll see.
4. Endorsements are coming in! I’ve got three so far and expect at least 5 or 6 more by the end of the month. Here’ are some excerpts from them:
Faith and the Magic Kingdom is a unique gift to Christians who desire to be more childlike in heart yet be deeply immersed in their identity in Christ. It is biblical, applicable and helps you access the presence of God in a simple way….
~ Becky Harmon, CEO Success Not Sabotage Coaching and Identity Coach
…In Faith and the Magic Kingdom, Randy does an exceptional job of taking this familiar and fanciful place and showing it to be so much more, drawing from it practical lessons and valuable reminders for a dynamic life of faith. If you’re a fan of Disneyland and a Christian, this book is a must-read!
Pat Williams, Orlando Magic co-founder and senior vice president; Author of “How to be Like Walt”
In Randy’s first book, Once Upon YOUR Time, Randy helped us to take control of one our most precious commodities – our time – by giving us key strategies through a unique tour of Disneyland. In Faith And The Magic Kingdom, Randy once again takes us on an inspiring and dynamic tour of the Happiest Place On Earth in a way only he could – by showing us that valuable lessons of faith, and “magical” examples of Gods wonders CAN be found at Disneyland. …It will open your eyes to the wonders God has to offer in a way you never thought possible!
Al Kessel, Host of the Tales from the Mouse House Disneyland podcast
Those are the major areas of progress so far. What’s next? There’s even more excitement coming, which you not only get to observe but also participate in! You see, Faith and the Magic Kingdom won’t make it into your hands and those of others who need it without YOUR help.
1. Kickstarter – I’ll be launching a Kickstarter campaign in the middle of August to fund the creation and launch. Self-publishing is quite expensive, so I’ll need you to help me make sure it happens. The campaign will have some great incentives for you to contribute, and you can share the links on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, or wherever you happen to find yourself. The more you help spread the word, the better our chances of success—and as with all Kickstarter campaigns, it’s all or nothing. Either the whole project funds or nothing does, so your participation will be vital!
2. I filmed the video for the Kickstarter campaign and the book trailer this past weekend. Sarah was great at making sure she got what she needed, and now is working on editing. Look for the first video in the middle of August—I’ll preview it here and on the Faith and the Magic Kingdom Facebook page before it goes on Kickstarter!
3. Want to be a part of kicking off the Faith and the Magic Kingdom launch? I’ll be forming my book launch team in early September. You’ll get some free stuff, access to exclusive pre-release content, a private Facebook group to brainstorm and collaborate on launch activities—as well as share your dreams and goals so we can partner with you—and more. What will you have to do? Agree to leave a review on Amazon, write one for your blog, talk about it on your podcast, interview me about the book, or any combination of those. That’s all! I’ll announce the formation of the team in a few weeks, but in the meantime, if you’re interested feel free to email me and let me know!
I’ll post more updates as we near the November 15th release. In the meantime, thank you for your support, for reading and sharing these posts over the months & years, and being a part of this incredible journey. The best is yet to come!
Randy Crane is passionate about helping Christians, especially those with a Disney affinity, to discover and connect to their GOD-GIVEN PURPOSE AND VALUE, to build their lives to achieve TRUE SUCCESS AND MEANING, and to POSITIVELY IMPACT their world. For more than two decades, Randy has been leading individuals and teams into a greater joy and child-like appreciation of the world around them, equipping them to reach beyond what they have previously experienced and build a God-given identity and purpose. Ready to experience that for yourself? Tell us where to send SIX free videos all created to help answer the 3 questions you need to experience PEACE, FREEDOM, and PURPOSE!
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