Thank You Very Much!

Be Tankful!Even after the writing is done, writing a book requires a lot of time and effort–hence the decrease in content over the last couple of weeks. That will start to pick back up soon, though, and in the meantime I want to introduce you to two groups of people who have been incredibly supportive of me and important to this process.


OK, “introduce” is probably too strong of a term since I won’t be going into detail about them. It’s important, though, that there names be out there. They deserve to be recognized, and thanked publicly.


First, my Launch Team. These amazing people have been incredibly supportive, and they just may be looking forward to the book as much as I am! Without their support and work, many people will be exposed to this Faith and the Magic Kingdom that otherwise may never hear about it. Some of those lives will be changed, and these are the people who will make that possible. So, thank you to…



There is one other group to tell you about, but first I want to highlight someone very special who I wasn’t able to put in the book. Honestly, I just ran out of room, but that in no way reflects on her importance to me at all. Jen Rhodes did amazing work on the cover for both my ebook and the paperback version. Often, covers sell the book, and her talent will be instrumental in the sale of this one. I can’t thank her enough, but I can tell you that her main freelance work is as a voice actress. If you have any need for an audio drama, game, training program, promo, phone greeting, short story, or podcast, do yourself a favor and contact her.


Finally, the backers of my Indiegogo campaign. They are mentioned in the Acknowledgements of the book, but I want to put them here, too, and thank them publicly online. They are…

  • Staci Abshire
  • Katie Bamford
  • Hank & Lynne Behrns
  • Tyson & Shelley Behrns
  • Andrew Brown
  • Andrew Burkum
  • Jim Collins
  • Denise Coy
  • Debra Crane
  • Mary Jane Crawford
  • Katy Daniel
  • Jason Domer
  • Faith Dority
  • Joann Fortier
  • Jeff Frankowski
  • Mike Grissom
  • Ken & Lisa Haas
  • Carolyn Hoagland
  • Jim & Jeanette Hocking
  • Sandra  Karelius
  • Doug & Emily Kinnes
  • Brian Levine
  • Lee & Tricia Malchow
  • Dan Martin
  • Tonja McElroy
  • Rick & Amy Moyer
  • Rachel Neilson
  • Sonia Nelson
  • Rikki Niblett
  • Carlyn Obringer
  • James Ohnemus
  • Amber Palm
  • Camron Palm
  • Leslie Palm
  • John Primm
  • Melissa Quigley
  • Nancy Roettger
  • Betty Sue Sanders
  • Cindy Schultz
  • Carolyn Smuts
  • Nancy Tucker
  • Lesley Victorine
  • and some who wished to remain anonymous.


To all of you, thank you very much.


Randy CraneRandy Crane is passionate about helping Christians, especially those with a Disney affinity, to discover and connect to their GOD-GIVEN PURPOSE AND VALUE, to build their lives to achieve TRUE SUCCESS AND MEANING, and to POSITIVELY IMPACT their world. For more than two decades, Randy has been leading individuals and teams into a greater joy and child-like appreciation of the world around them, equipping them to reach beyond what they have previously experienced and build a God-given identity and purpose. Ready to experience that for yourself? Tell us where to send SIX free videos all created to help answer the 3 questions you need to experience PEACE, FREEDOM, and PURPOSE!

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