You Can Make This Happen! Indiegogo Project Almost Done!
We’ve hit some major milestones and have more coming very soon!
The Indiegogo Project – This is the big one coming soon. The campaign ends this Sunday, October 6. As of this moment, I’m still a long way from the goal, and remember, if we don’t meet or exceed the goal, I get none of the money, and none of the backers get any rewards! So, funding this project helps you, me, and everyone who has already backed it or will back it. That’s why I still need your support by funding it (at any level) and sharing it with your friends. Remember, the link to share is!
The manuscript – It’s done! Not only is the actual text complete, but after many hours of work (probably 20 or so at the least), a full Index is done, too! The Index will only be useful to readers of the paperback, but it will help them a lot to find key concepts as well as every attraction mentioned in the book. All that’s left now is to format it for Kindle.
The cover – As you can see at left, the ebook cover is complete! (If you’re following or a backer of the Indiegogo project, as a special reward you saw this almost a a week ago.) The same designer who did this–the supremely talented Jen Rhodes–is working on the paperback cover now, and we should have it ready to go in about 2 weeks.
We’re getting very close to this book, which over the last 3 years has been first a dream then a goal, is very close to becoming a reality. The next update I give you here will likely be all about the special bonuses and incentives you’ll get if you buy a copy of the book during the first week of official release (November 15-22). It’s going to be good!
Last but not least, here are two more endorsements:
Randy’s delightful (and insightful) book made me want to do two things: (1) Go back to Disneyland with new eyes, and (2) completely immerse myself in the wonder of being God’s child, surrounded by His infinite care and incredible design. This is a new kind of Pilgrim’s Progress—through the Magic Kingdom to the Eternal Kingdom.
Larry Winger, CEO, Provision Ministry Group
In the book Faith and the Magic Kingdom, author Randy Crane unites his deep faith in Christ with a love for all things Disney in an intriguingly creative way. While many would not initially see the connection between Disney and Christianity, through personal reflections, scripture and poignant questions, Crane manages to draw parallels that help the reader consider both subjects in a new and thoughtful way. Great for a daily devotional or an afternoon read, Faith and the Magic Kingdom speaks to both followers of Christ and fans of the Mouse.
Kristen Pfeifer, co-host of the Mousetalgia podcast
Randy Crane is passionate about helping Christians, especially those with a Disney affinity, to discover and connect to their GOD-GIVEN PURPOSE AND VALUE, to build their lives to achieve TRUE SUCCESS AND MEANING, and to POSITIVELY IMPACT their world. For more than two decades, Randy has been leading individuals and teams into a greater joy and child-like appreciation of the world around them, equipping them to reach beyond what they have previously experienced and build a God-given identity and purpose. Ready to experience that for yourself? Tell us where to send SIX free videos all created to help answer the 3 questions you need to experience PEACE, FREEDOM, and PURPOSE!